Selasa, 6 November 2012

Aris ARIWATAN -- 1-2-3-4

Satu ● One
Kasih nan abadi ● Love that is eternal
Tiada tandingi ● Unsurpassable
Dia Yang Satu ● He (God) is The One

Dua ● Two
Sayang berpanjangan ● Love ongoing
Membawa ke syurga ● Takes (you) to heaven
Kasihnya ibu ● The affection of mother

Tiga ● Three
Lapar dan dahaga ● Hunger and thirst
Rela berpayahan Willing (to shoulder) difficulty
Setianya ayah ● The loyalty of father

Empat ● Four
Mudah kau ketemu ● Easy for you to find
Berhati selalu ● Be careful always
Beza antara ● (The) difference between
Kasih dan kekasih ● Love and lover

Satu ● One
Kasih nan abadi ● Love that is eternal
Tiada tandingi ● Unsurpassable
Dia Yang Satu ● He (God) is The One

Dua ● Two
Sayang berpanjangan ● Love ongoing
Membawa ke syurga ● Takes (you) to heaven
Kasihnya ibu ● The affection of mother

Tiga ● Three
Lapar dan dahaga ● Hunger and thirst
Rela berpayahan Willing (to shoulder) difficulty
Setianya ayah ● The loyalty of father

Empat ● Four
Mudah kau ketemu ● Easy for you to find
Berhati selalu ● Be careful always
Beza antara ● (The) difference between
Kasih dan kekasih ● Love and lover

Ibu ● Mother
Kuingat dahulu ● I remembered from before
Menyisir rambutku ● Combing my hair
Kemas selalu ● Neat always

Ayah Father
Menghantar ke sekolah ● Sending to school
Bergunalah ilmu ● Useful is the knowledge
Bila dewasa ● When adult

Sayang Dear
Dengar lagu ini ● Listen to this song
Untuk kau sandarkan ● For you to lean on
Buat pedoman ● As a guide (to follow)

Jangan ● Don't
Manis terus ditelan ● [Malay proverb] Sweet straightaway swallowed
Pahit terus dibuang ● [Malay proverb] Bitter straightaway thrown
Itu bidalan ● That (proverb) is a proverbial saying
Harus kau renungkan ● You have to think about

Andai ● Suppose that
Kau beroleh bahagia ● You obtain happiness
Ingat, itu bukan ● Remember that it's not
Untuk selamanya ● For forever

Andai ● Suppose that
Kau dalam sengsara ● You're in misery
Ingat, itu bukan ● Remember that it's not
Untuk selamanya ● For forever

Hidup ini sementara ● This life is temporary

Ho~ Ho~ Ho~

Hidup ini sementara ● This life is temporary


1. Ariwatan

2. [Peribahasa Melayu]

Lemak manis jangan ditelan, pahit jangan dimuntahkan.

Sesuatu nasihat itu hendaklah difikirkan masak-masak buruk baiknya, sedangkan kecaman janganlah pula ditolak mentah-mentah.

Kamus Istimewa Peribahasa Melayu


Mula: 4 November 2012M. 19 Zulkaedah 1433H. Ahad.
Siar: 6 November 2012M. 21 Zulkaedah 1433H. Selasa.
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